My clients come from a little bit of everywhere, and I think it’s important not only to offer locations near me, but I also enjoy finding new locations & using them as a backdrop for a photo shoot. Not only because of that, but also because I just love discovering new places, I went for a weekend trip to Antwerp last January.

One of the first places that I, together with my husband and son, visited, and where we had never been before, was Linkeroever. The other side of Antwerp. And what a beautiful place that was! Nice and quiet & with a beautiful view of the skyline of Antwerp. It seems to me a very nice location for a photo shoot! Not only during the day, but also in the evening with sunset. Linkeroever can also be combined with the Strand van Sint-Anneke, as they are close to each other.

Below are some photos that I quickly took during my discovery walk.