My mom has the same photography urge as I do, and I have very fond memories of that. I can remember when we used to, instead of being glued in front of the television, the slide screen was brought from the attic & we would watch slides from when my parents were little, very nice family moments. I also have an awful lot of photo books of myself as a child, documenting my entire life. I still find it magical to look at old photos & reminisce. Super fun to look in by yourself, but also totally fun – since Noah was born – to compare (who does he look most like now?) and also now that he is bigger, to look in those books together. Those albums are really invaluable to me. So all the hours of time my mom put into this are fully appreciated. If I could save 1 something material should our house catch fire? Then without a second thought, that’s my photo books (because the digital files are on the cloud :-)).

I think it is incredibly important to continue this photography tradition. That’s why I also make a photo album of at least every year for Noah. Anyway, I make a separate book of every vacation we take, but I think he deserves a personal book each year as well. And now, of course, it’s all the fun! For he is now 5 years old and looks back fondly on all the good times we experienced since his birth. Already, those books are invaluable, I can only imagine how much he enjoys having children of his own, as well as being able to dive back into his history.

And so for me that is 1 of the main reasons why I love photography so much. Not only in the moment itself is it wonderful to photograph/be photographed, to write memories, but so many years later it only gets more fun! It is really 1 of the few things that does not decrease in its value, but doubles every year.