A pregnancy photo shoot is best scheduled when you are between 7-8 months pregnant. Then your stomach is nice and round, but you (hopefully) do not have many other ailments yet. However, every situation is unique; if you are expecting multiple births or are on bed rest, it is recommended to do the photo shoot earlier (between 6-7 months). Do you have a small, almost invisible stomach and no further complaints? Then it is recommended to wait until the 8-9th month. The most important thing is that you feel good and that your belly can be clearly visible.

During a pregnancy report you will move in a different way than normal, this can be best for your body. That is why it is important to take good care of yourself for the photo report:

β€’ Eat a well-balanced meal with carbohydrates and proteins
β€’ Drink plenty of water
β€’ Take it easy 1-2 hours before your session (ideal time for hair / make-up)

Also make sure that your partner and children come to the photo shoot without being hungry. During the photo shoot, bring extra water and possibly some snacks.

Before the photo shoot we will have extensive contact and discuss your wishes. My main goal is that you come to the photo shoot with complete confidence, and that it will be a fun and relaxed experience. During our introductory meeting, I help you choose from my dress collection, I give tips for the clothing of your partner and / or children and we discuss your ultimate goal for the photo shoot. In a photo shoot for a photo album, the photography is different than with a photo shoot for a canvas series. For example, a canvas series takes into account the colors of the room where the photos will be placed. It is therefore important to have an idea in advance what you ultimately want to do with the photos.